About Bleriot Group SAF for Africa

Bleriot is exploring and developing new raw materials and technologies at our Headquarters in our Ukunda Plant, Kwale in Kenya. This is the group company for all the operating entities.

Additionally, it provides strategic guidance and leadership on the operating entities. Bleriot owns 100 percent of the operating entities; Bleriot SAF Limited, Bleriot Biotech Limited, and Bleriot Foundation.

Bleriot SAF

Making SAF Happen

Bleriot Biotech

SAF Seed Engineering

Bleriot Foundation

Stop The Rot



Bleriot SAF

Bleriot SAF deals with manufacturing Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) for airlines in a bid to develop an environment-friendly alternative for aviation fuels.

Bleriot Biotech

Bleriot Biotech is currently supporting advances in research, development, and demonstration to overcome barriers for widespread deployment of low-carbon sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Bleriot Foundation

This is an impact initiative whose desired outcome is to ensure that no oil seed goes to rot. The Foundation is anchored on a vibrant Technology Platform

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